Sunday, September 7, 2008


Jaime and I finally have our first "official" calling in the Enumclaw 2nd ward. We were recently called as Primary workers and are in the Nursery! Today was our first Sunday officially in the nursery and it was definitely a different experience. At first I didn't know if I would like this calling too much, but after today I think it will be something that we will both enjoy and learn a lot from. They may even have a hard time kicking us out when they want to call someone else into the nursery. By the time we have our own kids, we should be pros! =)
Although I sometimes enjoy not having a calling and being able to go listen to all the lessons other people prepare, I'm very happy with being in the nursery (for now anyways. We'll see how I feel in a few months). Especially because it's something Jaime and I get to do together.


Dustin & Andra said...

jk. it'll be fun for you guys

K.C. + Sherry Layton said...

when i read the title.. "nursery" i thought you were proclaiming to be prego!!

The Owens said...

Oh fun! =) What age group, I don't think I saw it on the blog?