Sunday, January 18, 2009

Plastic Surgery

About 2 years ago I noticed a small bump on my right cheek. I figured I would just wait for it to go away, but over time it started to get bigger and more annoying. During this last summer I had it looked at by my Dr. and they told me it was a sebaceous cyst and that it will never go away. It was just continue to slowly grow and maybe eventually stop. This is what it looked like in February of 2006. Very small and only visible when I smiled really big.

This picture was taken just last month and its hard to tell from the picture, but it had grown significantly to about the size of a marble. I decided to get it removed by a plastic surgeon so scarring would be minimal.

This picture was taken about 3 hours after surgery.

2 days after surgery.

I'm so glad that it's gone. I forgot what it felt like not having a marble sized growth in my cheek. It's been about a week and 1/2 and the stitches are out. It's healing very nicely and the scar is only slightly visible. The surgeon did a great job!


Sara said...

WOW! You could have left it as a beauty mark! ;)

Mauritius said...

Wow, honestly I must confess : I'm suffering same cyst nowadays, almost in same place. Dr have said a "unnoticeably" scar will remain ... but I'm afraid of that tiny scar. In your case, I see it's almost perfect! Would you recommend "go ahead" to me?