Monday, March 12, 2012

It's a......GIRL!

Well, the long wait is over and we finally had my 20 week appointment on Friday and found out that we are having ourselves a cute little baby GIRL!

I was able to bring my "fan club" (as they called it at the office), into the ultrasound room with me.  Jaime, my mom, Jaime's Mom, Andra, and baby McKay (he wanted to see his cousin).  The ultrasound took about 30-45 min and we didn't even get to find out the gender until the very end!  Apparently, this little girl is very stubborn and had her legs crossed the entire time. The ultrasound tech had to keep coming back to the "between the leg" shot every few minutes to see if she'd moved any.  She finally did and we got a clear shot of her girl parts! It was so exciting my heart was racing so fast!

Jaime and I both had a "feeling" it was a boy but didn't get our minds set on that because we knew at the end of the day it was only a 50/50 chance.  Some of you may think we (especially Jaime) is bummed about not having a boy. But we're actually pretty happy with it!....Just don't expect to see her wearing pink tu-tu's. If she's anything like her mommy, she won't tolerate bows, dresses, or anything  frilly.

As far as my pregnancy has been going, I am finally starting to feel better!! I've gotten some energy back and only feel sick every once in a while.  I've also got this bump that literally came out of nowhere in the last two weeks. She totally hit a growth spurt and I feel like she doubles in size every day!  Guess it's time to start looking into some maternity clothes.....Too bad I hate shopping! Ugh.

We are super excited and relieved to finally know it is a girl we'll be having in July/August.  Here are some of the images from my 20 week ultrasound.

Our girl's face...Look closely, it looks like she's smiling!


Finally got the shot confirming she's a girl

Foot Print

Legs crossed like a lady


Jenn said...

Yay! Congrats :) Any names picked out? I absolutely loved every minute of my 20 week ultrasound. The longer the better. I didn't know what I was looking at either. How fun!

EmmaJaimeLeBlanc said...

We've got a couple potential's a lot harder than we thought. I've got my top choice but I think we'll wait till her birth to officially announce!